Toward integrating technology at DAIS
Dr. Terrell Neuage
Video Education
One-on-one Instructional videos.
The article “The New Way to Be a Fifth Grader” (Wired Magazine, August 2011, p.128) goes in depth of how Kahn Academy is changing the rules of education.
Having taught in New York City Public Schools where adequate technology and staff are often not an option student-centered learning is only possible through on-line videos. Even at private schools that I have been at the introduction of individual learning via video greatly enhances learning. The teacher's responsibility is to direct, as in provide the proper video link, then the students will embrace the learning at their own speed. What is especially useful in learning with the Kahn Academy is the gaming type of learning, going to the next level after a set of lesson is completed.
Some other useful video learning sites:
Teacher Tube Just like what is says.
Engineer Guy University of Illinois engineering professor Bill Hammack explains the workings of everyday objects.
Connexions 'An open source site which lets users assemble educational materials – videos, documents, charts – in one place. Called knowledge chunks, these lessons can then be shared with the public for revising and remixing.' (Wired Magazine, August 2011, P. 130)
iTunes U More than 800 universities offer lectures on iTunes – great for using iPhones in the classroom
Google Code University – Videos on web programming and etc from Google – may not be available in China
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York City Teachers – Free guides, lessons, and images on many art topics
PBS Teachers – A great media library for students and teachers divided by subject and grade
Youtube Edu Not currently available for viewing in China without a VPN – lots of very short clips on lots of topics.